Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paxton Alec!

What a baby we  have! He is getting so big... growing and changing every day! In the past few weeks he has started rolling over from his belly to his back, each time giggling. His smile melts my heart. He has started talking to us a little bit... and he is sure we can understand what he's saying. From the sounds of it... he is going to be a bossy little man. :)

Monday, April 11, 2011


Tonight Ian changed his first diaper! I am so proud of him. He avoided getting peed on and everything. It's probably my fault because I worried about having Ian change a diaper and I haven't really given him a chance. Then  tonight I asked if he wanted to and did :) So proud! Ian is a fabulous dad!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paxton so far!

He is already two weeks old (tomorrow)!?! Where does the time go? It is amazing to me how much he is changing and how big he is getting. I am so emotional... definitely not ready for him to get big:(

However, he is extremely HANDSOME! Ian and I made a precious baby! We just had his pictures taken by a friend of Ian's last week and she did a fantastic job. Here is the link if you would like to check out the rest of the shoot :)
